Sunday, February 18, 2018

Ancient Greek Text Discovered in the Cyclades!

From the Bellville Clock: 

Ancient Greek Text Discovered in the Cyclades!

A recent discovery found washed-up on the beach of the island of Partymos, Greece, in the Cyclades shocks ancient Greek scholars.  In the original myth of Icarus both Icarus and his father Daedalus were imprisoned by King Minos of Crete.  A talented craftsman, Daedalus and Icarus were imprisoned within the walls of a Labyrinth, the invention of Daedalus.  But the great craftsman's genius would not suffer captivity so he made two pairs of wings by adhering feathers to a wooden frame with wax.  Giving one pair to his son, he cautioned him that flying too near the sun would cause the wax to melt.  But Icarus became ecstatic with the ability to fly and forgot his father's warning.  The feathers came loose and Icarus plunged to his death in the sea.  A nice story, but now due to the contents of a glass bottle carbon dated to approximately 700 b.c.e., another myth of Icarus may be told. 

Beautifully penned in Linear B, the oldest form of ancient Greek, and etched into marble, Daedalus and Icarus are referred to as Michilochus and Theomedes, respectively.  In the new myth Michilochus vaporized a popular herb capturing the smoke to fill two large plastic bags.  The bags would serve as balloons freeing Michilochus and Theomedes from their imprisonment on Crete.  However, Michilochus warned Theomedes not to smoke the contents of the bag or the balloon would deflate but Theomedes had already tasted the forbidden herb.  As the balloon carried Theomedes higher he inhaled more and more of the contents of his bag until the balloon lost all ability to ascend and he plunged to his death in the sea.

An interesting twist to the ancient myth.

By Rogue Reported, Bellville, Ohio
February 19, 2018

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